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Research supervision course (Forskarhandledning) 7,5 hp. Karlstad University
PhD in Fine Arts, Visual arts. My dissertation How do you become a succesful beggar in Sweden? published on was defended at Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, on the 14th of November 2016 by Lund University. Opponent was Stefan Jonsson.

2011 Pedagogics ”Vuxenutveckling i arbetslivet”, av Thomas Jordan docent i arbetsvetenskap Göteborgs universitet.
2009 Pedagogics for teaching at University level, 15hp, Skövde University
2007 UGL Leadership training
2006 Radical Collaboration certified trainee
2006 Non-violent communication training
1995 KU-research: new Medias and Cyber culture, Göteborg University
1992 Postgraduate Diploma /Electronic Imaging/ Dundee University
1986—91 Master of Fine Arts, Valand Academy of Fine Arts Göteborg University

Assignments and commissions
Member of the Review panel for Artistic research. Swedish Research Council.
Assistant evaluation officer, BA and MA Design programmes at Karlstads universitet, Linné universitet, Mitt Universitet; ”Treklövern” reporting to UKÄ.
Opponent at Academy of Music and Drama (HSM), Gothenburg University.
2017 Opponent at Academy of Music and Drama (HSM), Gothenburg University.
2003– 2016, 
member of the editorial board of Glänta magazine. Selected essays translated in English, can be found on 
Organizer of the seminar Tourism, Fine Arts and Film for researchers within the Faculty at Gothenburg University.
2011 In the advisory board for the Docmentary Film Award, Göteborg International Film Festival.
Opponent of MA at Valand Academy of Fine Arts Göteborg
2009 Opponent exam at Valand Academy of Fine Arts Göteborg
2007 Adviser for KRO : the economy for visual artists in Sweden (ad hoc)
2003 Co-organizer of the Clandestino festival, Göteborg
Expert in recruitment of a tenured lector, GAME, at Gotland University.
2002-2004 Evaluating art projects för The Foundation Culture of the Future (ad hoc), Framtidens Kultur.
2000-2002 Member of the editing board of ”Kairos” review of art history and theory
2001 Adviser (ad hoc) for The Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs
1997 Curator for solo exhibition ”One metric ton Art” by Kjartan Slettemark at Gallery 54, Gothenburg.
1999–2001 Participating as artist and teacher of the exchange project ”Visual Cultures in Dialogue, Umeå University, Sweden and Witwatersrand University, South Africa
1993-95 Adviser, planning the start, teaching at the education ”Fine Art and New Media”, Valand Academy of Art, Göteborgs Universitet.

2018 – …
Senior lecturer in Visual Arts with emphasis on Visual Arts Education at the Department of Artistic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Karlstad University. Research groups: KuFo (Kulturvetenskapliga forskargruppen). Forskarklustret på Institutionen för Konstnärliga Studier. KVG (Kunskapsformer inom visuell gestaltning). ORCid: 0000-0001-7441-1580 .

2014 – 2015  Academy of Music and Drama (HSM), Göteborg University. Supervisor for the MA course ”Contemporary Performative Arts”. 
 School of Film Directing, Gothenburg University in collaboration with Suchitra School of Cinema and Dramatic Arts, Bangalore, India. One month, Istanbul, ”Tourism/Activism” for 5 Swedish and 5 Indian students.
2010 – 2012
School of Film Directing, Gothenburg University. Supervisor for the MA class.

2009-2011 Assistant Professor in Residence, Documentary medias at School of Humanities and Informatics, Skövde University
1999 – 2002 Professor in Residence (30%) Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå Universitet.
1999 – 2002 Professor in Residence in Fine Arts, Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg (Guest lecturer 5 weeks April-May/year).
1997 – 1999 Teacher (30%) MA Valand Academy of Fine Art, Göteborg University
1995 – 1998 Teacher (60%) Fine Arts and New Media, Göteborg University
1993 – 1995 Co-developer of the new educational programme Fine Arts and New Media (digital media), Valand Academy of Fine Arts, Göteborg University


Exhibitions, Performances and (selected) screenings. (in research language: Publications)
Jag kan se dig men du kan inte se mig. Corner. (grupputställning). Varning för konsten. 19/3–7/8. Statens Konstråd, Stockholm.
–The chorus of Begging and the chorus of Giving. (Film installation). 13/1-14/2. Göteborgs Konstförening.
– I can see you but you can’t see me /Jag kan se dig men du kan inte se mig (C-print… under planering, Stockholm
The chorus of Begging and the chorus of Giving. (Film installation). SSE Stockholm.
– Don’t be Stupid. Magasin 3 & SSE In collaboration with Magasin III ”Gränsland”.
De Levnadshungriga/Those who hunger for life. (Group exhibition: Mörkrum/Svartklubb). Göteborg: Hasselblads Konsthall.

Vid Regnbågens början, Skissuppdrag för sjukhusområdet, Malmö region.
Don’t be Stupid. Generation. (Group exhibition). Borås: Borås Konstmuseum.
– A place in Europe with Westerberg, A., Pauser, E., & Detail Group (Cinematic sculpture 2017-22). At the entrance of REMESO Linköping university, Norrköping.
REMESO is an institute answering to the Vice Chancellor for interdisciplinary research, education and knowledge exchange on trans-national migration, ethnic diversity and citizenship in light of economic transformations and labour market changes. REMESO is also a division within the Department of Culture and Society (IKOS).

Don’t be Stupid. Generation. (Group exhibition). Borås: Borås Konstmuseum.
– Skissuppdrag ”Strategiska projekt”, Malmö region.
A place in Europe , at the entrance of School of Economics, Stockholm (4/12 2019 – 4/2 2020)
– A place in Europe , Public seminar, Stora torget, Karlstad.
– ”The Uses of Aesthetics” in the panel ”Photography and the Method of Art”, International conference, Karlstad University

– A place in Europe , Örebro: Open Art biennial. (summer)
The chorus of Begging and the chorus of Giving. (Film installation). Choreographies of the Social. Stockholm: Public Art Agency.
A place in Europe , Odenplan Stockholm: Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm konst. (Feb)

EMOH. (Solo exhibition). Stockholm: Konstnärshuset.
A place in Europe. with Westerberg, A., Pauser, E., & Detail Group.

Project Anywhere. New York: The New School Parsons. (peer-reviewed artistic research)
 On Hold/UppehållstillståndA Clear Day. (Group exhibition). Nääs slott. (summer)
How do you become a succesful beggar in Sweden? . (Solo exhibition). Skellefteå: Skellefteå Konsthall.
What Images does the Giving face? & What Images does the Begging face?  Samara, Russia: Shiryaevo biennial.

Those who hunger for life. Samlade verk! 30 år med Maria Bonnier Dahlins stiftelse. (Group exhibition). Stockholm: Bonniers Konsthall.
How do you become a successful beggar in Sweden? . (Solo exhibition). Varberg: Varbergs Konsthall.

– The chorus of Begging and the chorus of Giving, street-screening, Clandestino festival, Gothenburg.
What Images does the Giving face? & What Images does the Begging face?, Gummifabriken i Värnamo. Solo exhibition.
The Chorus of Begging and the Chorus of Giving, street-screening, Värnamo. 
Those who hunger for life, reconstructing the archive – Video Art at Valand 1985-2015, A-venue, Göteborg

IMAGO MUNDI, 1 sept – 1 nov, Venice, Italy.
NETWORKING ON THE WALL, Aakriti Art Gallery,  also at: Art Gallery an at  Lado Sarai, Art and Aesthetics Gallery, New Delhi, India.
How do you become a succesful beggar in Sweden?  Skövde Konsthall, 21/3 -24/5. Solo exhibition.
The chorus of Begging and the chorus of Giving Konstfrämjandet i Västerbotten, Konsthall Väven, Umeå. Solo exhibition.
Kropp på gata/Body on street performed at Tacit or Loud, 28/11, Malmö

The chorus of Begging and the chorus of Giving presented as a sound performance at CCAP, 26/10 Caprioli studios Sunday Run-Up.
– The chorus of Begging and the chorus of Giving, on Spotify.
– The chorus of Begging and the chorus of Giving, street-screening, Slussen, Stockholm.
To Rachel and I can see the house screened (11 oct) at Centro Cultural de Espana, Montevideo, Uruguay.
– The chorus of Begging and the chorus of Giving, film installation, in the exhibition ”Motbilder” by ICIA , 22/8-15/9, Göteborg. 
– Kropp på gata/Body on street performed at
 Re(s)on Art, 9-12/9, Stockholm.

– Kropp på gata/Body on street performed at Sveriges Konstföreningar, 16-18/5, Umeå.
– Kropp på gata/Body on street , 25/1, GIFF – Göteborgs Filmfestival.
How do you become a succesful beggar in Sweden?   exhibition of doctoral work in progress, 50% doctoral seminar, World Culture Museum, Göteborg.
2014 – The world’s smallest bible thrown in the biggest man-made hole, 8-22/2, Gotlands Konstmuseum
2012How do you become a succesful beggar in Sweden? work in progress (see media listing).

2011 – I can see you but you can’t see me, ”Lust och Last” a group show at the National Museum, Stockholm
2010 – Thrice upon a time group show at Magasin 3, Stockholm.
2010A heart from Jenin Modern Museum of Fine Arts, Stockholm. TEMPO Documentary FilmFestival Stockholm
– A heart from Jenin, Crossroads Womens Centre in Kentish Town UK.

A heart from Jenin, Skövde Konsthall.
A heart from Jenin, Middle Eastern film festival Roskilde Denmark.
A heart from Jenin, Borås Konstmuseum.
A heart from Jenin, GIFF Göteborg Filmfestival.
A heart from Jenin, installation during one year at Museum of World Culture Gothenburg
– A heart from Jenin
Lens Politica Helsinki

A heart from Jenin, FN-sambandet -Verdensteateret Kino in Tromsoe.
A heart from Jenin, Portobello Film Festival UK.
A heart from Jenin, Upgrade Skopje Macedonien.
A heart from Jenin, Words Festival Oslo
A heart from Jenin, Upgrade Brussels.
A heart from Jenin, installation during one year at Museum of World Culture Gothenburg

– A heart from Jenin Jacob’s church, Stockholm.
A heart from Jenin, LänsMuseet, Västernorrland.
A heart from Jenin, Moment Stockholm.
A heart from Jenin, Liepaja Latvia Crusading Festival.
A heart from Jenin, Sevilla Crusading tour.
A heart from Jenin, Fadaiat Barcelona.
A heart from Jenin, Malmoe Museums.
Wrestling Human games Pitti Imagine cooperation NY.
– Exhibition MAN Skellefteå.
Private Business ”Konstfeminism” Gothenburg Konstmuseum
– A heart from Jenin Fotografins Hus Stockholm with Susan Meiselas.

— Human Game – Vincitore e vinti, Stazione Leopolda, Viale Fratelli Rosselli 5, Florence.
Art on The Wall -an essay and photoexhibition
Prisons, Tegen2 Gallery Stockholm.
– Wrestling ”Human games” Fondazione Pitti Discovery Firenze Curator – Fransesco Bonami.
Postcards from South Africa Bonniers Konsthall Stockholm. Gothenburg Filmfestival.
The holy land with Maj Wechselman ZITA Folkets bio.
Private Business in the touring group exhibition ”Konstfeminism”, exhibited at Hälsinglands Museum Hudiksvall and Liljevalchs Konsthall.
A heart from Jenin Bild Museet Umea with Susan Meiselas.
A heart from Jenin Skåne Konstförening Malmoe
A heart from Jenin Bratislava Slovakia.

– Art on The Wall short film made for Swedish TV ch2 ”Kobra”.
Private Business ”Konstfeminism” Dunkers Kulturhus. Helsingborg
– Screenings: FilmMakers against the War. Portobello Film festival
– Fadaiat Tarifa – Tánger . Mediterraneum Social Forum Barcelona.
– Malmoe Konsthall.
– ID Gallery Being in motion’.
– 291 gallery Hackney London. London
– Palestine Film Festival.
– School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).
– The wallpaper–project  Rinkeby Folkets Hus ”4U!’ presented at Ung-08 Stockholm.
– ”Exotic ambivalence” Skulpturens Hus Stockholm.
– TO ALL QUEENS  Stockholm. ’Artandgallery’ Milano.
– The wallpaper–project  Rinkeby Folkets Hus ”4U!’ continues to following cities in Sweden: Gislaved, Norrköping, Jönköping, Borlänge, Söråker / Nacksta Sundsvall, Kiruna, Hallunda, Rosengård, Hammarkullen, Rinkeby, Orminge.
The wallpaper–project  Rinkeby Folkets Hus ”4U!’ Riksutställningar Expo-tour starts in Sweden.

– Midwinter-Skeppsholmen Stockholm.
–  A wall is a wall is a wall is a wall. European Social Forum
– ’Southern Exposure’ San Fransisco.
– Joret Ed Dahab means the hole where you can search for gold,  Pasadena.
– East or West Home is best Clandestino festival. Art Fair Stockholm.
– ’Babylon by bus’ Göteborgs Filmfestival.
– Joret Ed Dahab means the hole where you can search for gold, AAO Gallery Tokyo.
– Konstyttringar – maktstrukturer – aktivism / Equator. Multi Cultural Center (MKC) Fittja. Action to contact the foreign minister in Sweden.

– Spoken word Berlin Stockholm London.
– Anti-rasist festival in Malmö. The Clandestino festival Gothenburg.
The Wall, a collaboration between Equator and Interactive Institute Umea and Erik Pauser. Presented at: The Wall in Ramallah. Multi Cultural Center Fittja. BildMuseet in Umea.
– Joret Ed Dahab, means the hole where you can search for gold – at Reset Art Gallery Philadelphia USA.
Joret Ed Dahab, means the hole where you can search for gold”ARGHH” Edsvik Konsthall Sweden.
The Return, a project by the editing board of GLÄNTA in Ghana.
– When is a Nation? An action/installation at Fisher Gallery Seattle. ”Art and Activism” – A collaboration between Equator and Interactive Institute Umea.

– Joret Ed Dahab, means the hole where you can search for gold action/installation at: Fisher Gallery Seattle. Botkyrka Konsthall.
– ICE Konstens Hus Lulea. To All Queens BildMuseet, Umeå / Konstens Hus, Luleå / Baltic Art Centre, Visby / ”Glitch” Oslo / Swedish Embassy Tokyo.
– April 20-23rd documentation of the destruction of Jenin refugee camp in Palestinian occupied territories
– Those who hunger for life at Arnolfini Center Bristol UK.
– Voices Skövde Konsthall.
Voices Konstens hus Lulea.
– ICE a performance at the Ice Hotel in Kiruna.
–TO ALL QUEENS Kulturhuset Stockholm.
–Extraphonic a three month situation -interaction between Joubert Park SA and Umea SWE – a collaboration with Elin Wikström Sweden.
–ICE at Galleri Shaper Sundberg Stockholm – a collaboration with Madoda Fly Msibi Soweto SA. ICE at Galleri SUB BAU Gothenburg.
–ICE Gothenburg Art Biennial.
–ICE :The video-tale screened at ”Real Presence” Belgrade.

– 3 Actions: The world’s smalles bible thrown in the biggest man-made hole / Postcards of South Africa / TO ALL QUEENS BildMuseet Umeå.
– TO ALL QUEENS a video and action addressing all Queens in the world.
– Postcards of South Africa
– a collaboration with Madoda Fly Msibi Soweto

– The world’s smalles bible thrown in the biggest man-made hole Market Theatre Gallery Johannesburg SA.
– ”CAVE” Konst-Akuten Stockholm.
Don’t be stupid ”Verklighetsbilder” at Botkyrka Konsthall.
Private Business ”Tempo” Linköpings Konsthall.
Sometimes things you don’t say are a part of a lie at: Atalante Gothenburg / ”Crossing Boundaries” Copenhagen / ”SHOOT” Malmö Konsthall / Cinema Spegeln Malmö.
– YOU Göteborgs Konstförening.
– Private Business
Galleri Schaper Sundberg Stockholm.
– Those who hunger for life
Generali Foundation Vienna.
– Dominatrix
– an installation in the touring exhibition ”AVATAR” continues to: Ronneby Konstförening / Sandvikens Konsthall / Jyväskylä Konst Museum (F) / Innovatum in Trollhättan / Konstens Hus Luleå
– Don’t be stupid – an installation in ”The king is not the queen” curated by: Francesco Bonami at Nordiska Museet one exhibition of ”Archipelago” Stockholm Capital of Culture.

Don’t be stupid shown in Swedish Television Ch1 / Osnabruck Videofestival.
Applause Stenasalen Gothenburg Konst Museum.
Dominatrix – an installation in ”AVATAR” produced by Riksutställningar. The exhibition was opened at Moderna Museet Stockholm and then went on tour at: Future Museum, Borlänge / Gotland Konst Museum Visby / Stockholm Art Fair / SMART Show Stockholm. ” Moonlight” Stockholm Kulturhus / Vienna Film and Videofestival Austria / Moviebox screenings in Copenhagen / Borealis screenings in France.
– Suggestion – an installation in Galleri LA Umea / UKS Oslo. Stockholm Art Fair.

– SMART Show Stockholm.
Don´t be stupid in STV “Elbyl” Ch 1 / Art & Video in Europé Heure Exquise!
– Don´t be stupid in the videocompilation ”Take two” (same tour as FRESH) at: the ICA, London / Videopositive-95, Liverpool / Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff / Ikon Gallery Birmingham / Tate Gallery London / Ferens Art Gallery Hull / Open Hand Studios Reading / National Film Theatre in London / Ruskin SFA Oxford.
–Vietnam hello bye bye ok a collaboration with Erik Pauser for ”Breaking eyes” Nordic Arts Centre Helsinki F / Färgfabriken Konsthall Stockholm. ”100 years of film” Gothenburg Konstmuseum. – Visiting Souls a performance at Multimedia square Landsdown House London. Suggestion Schaper Sundberg Gallery Stockholm.

– Don´t be stupid Stockholm Art Fair.
Those who hunger for life at Endurance Kulturhuset and The Modern Dance Theatre Stockholm.
– Those who hunger for life a video in FRESH video compilation screened in UK: Ferens Art Gallery Hull / Open Hand Studios, Reading / National Film Theatre in London / Ruskin SFA Oxford.
Those who hunger for life Centro Reina Sofia Madrid. ”Elektroniske underströmmer” Statens Museum for Kunst Copenhagen D

Those who hunger for life in SMART Show for New Reality Mix Stockholm. ”Blått snitt” Moderna Museet Stockholm.
— Those who hunger for life in FRESH video compilation screened in UK: The Arches Glasgow / 5 days at ICA in London.
— Those who hunger for life, installation of photographs and video in a group show, Uddevalla Konstmuseum.
– Those who hunger for life GIFF Gothenburg Filmfestival.

– ”New Reality Mix” Stockholm.
– Who wants to be like mum and dad? Gallery Home Gothenburg.
— Vietnam hello bye bye ok —a collaboration with Erik Pauser during two months 1993 when Vietnam opened for tourists . Gallery Index Stockholm, MUU Media Festival Helsinki samt i Zurich på ”A night at the show” curated by Harm Lux.

– Lust-Bank in Nordic Videos a compilation shown at: The Kitchen New York / Gothenburg Filmfestival / TV in Stockholm and Amsterdam.
Lust-Bank screened in Riga Latvia and in Latvian Television.
– Be Connected / Artists shows artists at RIX-Linköpings Konsthall.
I am You are installation in ”Overground Worldexpo 1993” Göteborgs Konst Museum.
The liberation shown during a month in the Swedish food mall ICA a group exhibition curated by Åsa Nacking and Mats Stjernstedt in Malmö.
1992Lust–Bank wins First prize at Stockholm Filmfestival screenings at Moderna Museet.
 – Lust–Bank Nordic videocompilation Stockholms Kulturhus / Frölunda Kulturhus / Sveaborg Helsinki F.
 – Lust–Bank Nordic videocompilation Montevideo Uruguay.
 Göteborgs Konstmuseum. Yearly student exhibitions by Valand Academy of Fine Arts Göteborgs University


Publications (research activity: chapters, papers, lectures, participation in conferences, web etc.) 
– Parsberg, , C (2024). Serie- och bilderboksberättande som hantverkskunskapande, Humanistdagarna, Karlstads universitet.
– Samtidskonst i teori och praktik, Bibliotekskvällar, Karlstad.
– Hur kan ett konstnärligt perspektiv bidra till att förstå ett komplext samhällsfenomen? Hur kan konstnärlig forskning vara kunskapsgenererande? En föreläsning och seminarium med gruppen ”Civilsamhällets organisering” (17maj) Stockholms universitet och HHS/SSE 
– FEKIS conference On artistic research; the research methodology used in the exhibited piece at SSE
– Hur kan bilder synliggöra gränsområden och utmana gränser? Rackstad Museum, Arvika.
– Paper and panel participant at the seminar How can art in business education affect the academic environment and perception of art?  arranged by Stockholm School of Economics at Market, Liljevalchs Konsthall.
 Hur kan bilder synliggöra gränsområden och utmana gränser?” (sve 20 mins). På uppdrag av och inspelat på Kungl.Vitterhetsakademien, Stockholm for Forskartorget. (How can images make border areas visible and challenge boundaries?) An online lecture recorded at and produced by The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities in Stockholm for the Research Square, Gothenburg Book Fair.)
– Panelsamtal med mig och filmskaparen Erik Pauser samt Stefan Jonsson professor i etnicitet REMESO , Jesper Roine professor i nationalekonomi med inriktning på välfärdsforskning, moderator var Emma Stenström docent i företagsekonomi. SSE (Handelshögskolan) Stockholm.
A Place in Europe. Paper for the Symposium on artistic research Working together Swedish Research Council, in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts at the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology.
Hur kan bilder synliggöra gränsområden och utmana gränser?. (Online lecture). Göteborg Book Fair: Forskartorget, en inspelad föreläsning på Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien. The lecture How can images make border areas visible and challenge boundaries? was recorded at The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Atiquities, Stockholm.
– We are losers and you have to learn from us. In A. Källén (Eds.). Heritage and Borders (pp. 127-142). Stockholm: The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. (Find in DIVA or download here)

– Real presence.  B. Tomic & D. Denegri (Eds.). Real Presence. (A curated artproject running for 10 years, 13 cities, 68 exhibitions) (pp. 138-139). Belgrade: Publikum Printing Company.– Reverse Street Photography as a research method. (2019). Paper for the conference Photography and the Method of Art” at Karlstad University. (see DiVA).
– ”Den angelägna avhandlingen”, Stockholm University, Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
–  A Place in Europe. Presentation and panel discussion at the seminar A Place in Europe: on wealth inequality and the role of art in society at Stockholm School of Economics.

Reverse Street Photography as a research method. Paper for the conference Photography and the Method of Art” at Karlstad University.
We are losers and you have to learn from us. Paper for the conference Heritage and Borders at Stockholm University & The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities.
– Public art, FOKUS Offentlig Konst, Region Värmland, Karlstad universitet.
– Karlstad CCC, Karlstad universitet, Region Värmland.
– Frank Forum, Valand Academy of Fine Arts, Göteborg University. (19 Oct)
– Arvika, Konstfrämjandet Värmland, Folkuniversitetet. (31 Oct)
– Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Karlstad University. (13 Aug)
– Voices. In A. Stagnell, L. S. Therkildsen & M. Rosengren (eds.). Can a person be illegal? (pp. 101-114). Department of Literature, Uppsala University. Download the book
BORDER. Paper for the conference Exploiting Justice at Centre for Gender research, Gothenburg University.
–  (21 Sept) Speaker at The international and interdisciplinary symposium Heritage and BordersStockholm University, Department of Culture and Aesthetics, in collaboration with the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. Trinh T. Minh-ha as keynote speaker, invited speakers: Mikael Baaz, Péter Balogh, Elisabeth Niklasson, Cecilia Parsberg, and Dacia Viejo Rose.” Followed up with one day seminar (recorded). And an Anthology
 Hur blir du en framgångsrik tiggare i Sverige? En undersökning av tiggandets och givandets bilder 2011 till 2016 [”How do you become a successful Beggar in Sweden?” An inquiry into the images of begging and giving 2011 to 2016]. (Doktorsavhandling). Umeå universitet och Lunds universitet.
Voices. Paper for the conference Can a person be illegal? Refugees, Migrants and Citizenship in Europe  Anthropology and Department of Literature, Uppsala University,  ”Engaging Vulnerability”.
Exploiting Justice, on migration. Gothenburg university.
Can a person be illegal?. Department of Literature, Uppsala University,
– ABF Hammarkullen, Göteborg.
– Varbergs Konsthall, paneldiscussion with local politicians, grassroot organisations and more on Giving and Begging.
– Academy of Music and Drama – MA students in Contemporary Performative Arts, Göteborg University. Kropp på gata / Body on street.
– Varberg Konsthall, performing kropp på gata/body on street  with collegestudents.
– Värnamo Gummifabriken, 16/9, paneldiscussion with local politicians, grassroot organisations and more on Giving and Begging.
– Doctoral seminar 75%, at my soloexhibition at Skövde Konsthall.
FEAD, 26/3, European Social Fund, EU-programme for the poor.
– Skövde Konsthall 7/4, paneldiscussion with local politicians, grassroot organisations and more on Giving and Begging.
– Konstfrämjandet i Västerbotten, Konsthall Väven, Umeå, 26/4.
”Om handlingsutrymme mellan givande och tiggande”. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, årgång 92, häfte 23.

Giving in Free movement Europe. Mora Kulturhus and Mora Gymnasium.
On artistic research. Academy of Music and Drama, Göteborg University. 
On Values. Stockholm University of the Arts.
– IMISCOE conference, Madrid.
– Sveriges Konstföreningar 16-18/5, Umeå. Panel with me, Anders Rydell and dan Jönsson.
– World Culture Museum, Göteborg, 50% doctoral seminar.
– World Culture Museum, Göteborg, public evening seminar about begging and giving.
– ”Konsten kan skapa ett nytt handlingsutrymme” Sydsvenska Dagbladet. November 28, 2014.

– ”Giveriet i den fria rörlighetens Europa”, Glänta No. 1, 2014.
Giving in free movement Europe”, transl. Sarah Clyne Sundberg,, Aug 6, 2014.
– Ørecomm Centre for Communication and Global Change Conference, Roskilde University & Malmö University, on my doctoral work

– Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, on my doctoral work. Two occasions.
– Contemporary performative Arts, Academy of Music and Drama, Göteborg University.
– School of Film Directing, Göteborg. Open lecture.
– Suchitra school of Cinema and Dramatic Arts Bangalore, India. One week lectures&workshops.
– School of Film Directing, Göteborg. Open lecture.
– Workshop for independent filmmakers in Lviv, Ukraine.
– Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, on my doctoral work.
– Helsinki Art Academy, Photomedia Conference 28-30 March 2012, paper on my doctoral work
– School of Film Directing, Göteborg University and Suchitra school of Cinema and Dramatic Arts Bangalore, India, one week workshop.
– on my work, higher education seminar, University of Falun.
– Seminar at IASPIS. Discussion at Modern Museum, Stockholm
– Artistic seminar Tourism and the Documentary film work, School of Film Directing, Göteborg University
– 2 Workshops in Radical Collaboration; 3-days internship (Jan, Feb).

– Series of new photographs in Glänta # 2-3 09 (assisting photographer D Gimlin).

– ARF (Anti-Rasistisk-Forum) World Culture Museum.

– Speech when receiving TCO at Book Fair, Göteborg.
– talk, Inter-cultural pedagogics Conference, World Culture Museum, Göteborg.
– talk, Kulturverkstan, Göteborg.
– talnk. Konstfack, Stockholm (twice).
– talks, Bezdomny, Göteborg (twice).
– talk, Sahlgrenska, Göteborg.
– talk, ABF Göteborg: Women and resistance.
– talk, Söderbokhandeln, Stockholm.
– talk and screening, GIFF, Göteborg Filmfestival.
– exhibition, screening, and lecture, Jacobskyrkan, Stockholm.
– Seminar in ”Spaces of Conflict” Fine Arts and Design Konstfack, Sthlm
Radical Collaboration, leading two workshops each 3-days internship.
– On my art work, Skövde Högskola, Kalmar FOJO: one day with cultural journalists HDK Göteborgs Universitet 2/10
– On my art work,
Copacabana 29/9
A heart from Jenin.
Resistancestudies, Göteborgs Universitet 25/9
A heart from Jenin.
MKC, Fittja Stockholm, School of Global Studies Kulturverkstan Göteborg
– Peace day: open lecture and conversation with the ArchBishop KG Hammar 20/9, Jacobs Church, Kungsträdgården, Stockholm.
– A heart from Jenin.
Center for Peace Research / Border Poetics group at the Institute for Culture og Literature, University of Tromsoe, Norway.
A heart from Jenin. Key Note Speaker at the conference: Sensitive Peace Research, 
Tampere Peace Research Institute, University of Tampere,  16-18 April.
– Public Art Agency Sweden. Skövde University.
– Women breaking the law
, with Ana Valdés, ABF
– Radical Collaboration, leading four workshops each 3-days internship.
– Rachel Corrie and The Gaza Strip. Göteborgs Stadsteater.
– ”Human rights and Fine Arts” World Culture Museum, same lecture at: Göteborg and Skövde.
– ENCATC cultural managers, Europé, org by Natverkstan Göteborg
– ’About Rachel Corrie’ with the actors at Stadsteatern, Göteborg
– 2 Workshops in Radical Collaboration; 4-three days internship.
– “Nätverkande på muren”, Glänta No.1-2, 2006, in English: Networking on the wall,
– ”Art and collectivism”, an essay for Glänta No.1-2.06. / 
Also published (eng) An in Ny Tid, Helsinki, and excerpts/photos in Aftonbladet (Sat May 13th).
– Keynote speaker at: A Closer Look: Knowing through Images-A meeting at Roskilde University Centre Nov. 23-24.
– Keynote speaker at: AESTHETICS AND POLITICS: LAW, LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY at Södertörn University College & The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 9-12 November/Conference Attractive School, Intercultural pedagogics.
– 2 Seminars with Susan Meiselas in our exhibition at Fotografins Hus, Stockholm
– ENCATC Conference Bratislava ”Competence in Diversity – Diversity in Competance”
– Kyrkeruds Fhsk, Årjäng.
On my art work, Södertörn University
On my art work. Art theory course Bok & Bibliotek mässan (the international Book fair in Göteborg)
On my art work. Göteborg Teater Tribunalen ”The Political language”
On my art work. Seminar in Hammarkullen.
On my art work,. Art Fair in Modern Museum lounge ’Exclusive artist talk’
– ”On my art work; East or West Home is best” Rinkeby Folkets Hus
On my art work; Power and language” ’Candombe in Montevideo’ screening and talk, Umeå Folkmusikförening ’Origo’.
On my art work. Folkets Hus, Västra Götalands Regionen, Göteborg
On my art work. Fotohögskolan
On my art work. Göteborg University

2004 Karavan –photos from Johannesburg. Reflexiones sobre el Poder.
Las fotos que no tomé. Brecha, Montevideo. Photos in Arena Dec issue.
Art and the Action, with philosopher Aleksander Motturi, Valand Göteborg University.
Gender and Fine Arts with writer Ana Valdés and Professor Lars Vilks at Moderna Museet, Stockholm.
TO ALL QUEENS Konstfack Stockholm.
TO ALL QUEENS Nätverkstan in Göteborg.
TO ALL QUEENS Malmö Academy of Fine Arts.
– Anti-rasist festival Malmö.
Crossroad Fittja MultiCulturalCenter.
WATER a screening event at Swedish Writers Union a seminar with visiting Palestinian poets.
Sweden Reshaped, Valand Academy of Fine Arts for the education. Febr 14th.
TO ALL QUEENS Nätverkstan in Göteborg..

– MAKT, Botkyrka Konsthall.
– Equator
Göteborg Book Fair: Internationella Torget, SIDA.
– Equator
at ”Coming” in Tokyo
– Power, power structures, power relations a two weeks workshop
in the program Art and Activism, Cornish College of Fine Arts, Seattle
– Environmentality
workshop/action, 3 weeks at Konstfack, Stockholm University
– Environmentality action initiated with Funda Arts Centre in Soweto.
– Ramallah
published in web mag ”Yelah” and ”Brecha”, Montevideo, Uruguay Voices of Jenin published the: 28th April in Dagens Nyheter, Sweden / 30th April / May 2nd in ”La Jornada” in Mexico / May 10th ”Brecha” Montevideo / Du Store Verden / May issue of ”Avaye Zan” Germany.
– Photographers Club, Johannesburg.
– Swedish Art Society.
– Konstfack, Stockholm university.

During the nineties at various places such as: Dundee, Riga, Crimea, Copenhagen, Helsinki and Sweden.


Interviews, magazines, catalogues, book covers etc. (not written by myself).
– Book cover for Votre heure viendra, by Ana Valdés
– Book cover for UKON. Ik wilde dichter zijn. Verschijnt bij Azul Press. Netherlands.

– Poster for Konstnärshuset ”Årsringar”, Stockholm.
2017, Konstnären, ”En ordlös sång om tiggande och givande”, Nora Hagdahl.
2016, All stipendiates of Maria Bonnier Dahlin Stipendium.
Konstperspektiv, No 2, Bo Borg,
Salongsberusat (red P.Laskar&I.Svensson).
2007 ”Et hjerte fra Jenin”, Cora magazine.
– Appell No1 07 . Norsk Folkehjelp
2008, Cover of Ana Valdés book Din tid skall komma.

2009 ”Contemporary Art and the Cosmopolitan Imagination”, Marsha Merskimmon, Routledge.
2006 ”Konst som rörlig bild – från Diagonalsymfonin till Whiteout”, SAK, History of moving art imagery from 1924.
– Bonniers Konsthall catalogue of all stipendiates of Maria Bonnier Dahlin Stipendium.
2005 ”Feminist Art History, Sweden”, ARENA , Public Service, Lyrikvännen#5 questionnaire, Moderna Museet catalogue.
2004 ”To All Queens” for Paletten #2-3, Sinziana Ravini.
– Svensk Konst Nu – SAK’s book with 85 artists book with 85 artists.
– Rinkeby Journalen in two issues.
2003 Glänta #2 Photos from Palestine (with an essay by Ana Valdés).
– ARENA #6 photos from South Africa to essay by Per Westberg. VK Umeå, ”Kan konsten riva murar?”.
– ”Political diamonds” in ARENA magazine: radical forum for social politics and culture.
– Fabrik #1 -a magazine/fanzine by poets, artists and designers in Malmoe.
– Interview and images ”Makt”, full page, in Göteborgs Posten 2003-03-04.
2002 ”Konst som vågar väcka frågor” in Norrbotten-Kuriren 2002-02-18. ”Konstnät och nätkonst” ITIS by Konstskolan i Kristianstad. Review of the book Konstens Anspråk ”Konstnär med samvete” in Dagens Nyheter newspaper Oct.

2001 Soweto tur och retur GöteborgsPosten 2001-07-16. Presens #1 about ICE project. Interview in the mag Social Politik #3. In Oct. ”Joubert Park Project” in the net magazine Artthrob
2001-2006 Co-initiator is Ana Luisa Valdés, writer. EQUATOR co-organizer of the international conferens
2000 THE WORLD’S SMALLEST BIBLE THROWN IN THE BIGGEST MAN-MADE HOLE the action was presented in BANG a feminist journal Sept issue. TO ALL QUEENS the action was presented in OO-TAL a cultural journal. Sept issue. POSTCARDS OF SOUTH AFRICA the action was presented in Glänta journal Sept issue
1999 The Art reviews Paletten and Presens. A book: Konstens Anspråk interviews of 21 Swedish artists by Lo Cajdahl © Glänta.
1998 Dominatrix in Avatar catalogue for the exhibition touring during 2 years in Scandinavia.
– “Endlessnessism“ collaboration for a music CD produced by DOT records.

1996 At Home, a calendar with 12 artists. Breaking Eyes, a catalogue for Muu-Media festival, Helsinki, Finland. How do you know the war is really over? Poetry, artist’s edition.
1995 A project for Paletten.
1993 The Art magazine Beckerell A thesis by Rut Lindeberg, Umeå University. OVERGROUND Worldexpo
1993 a catalogue for Göteborgs Konsthall. Be Connected a catalogue.

1994 The literary magazine ’90-tal’. What is it really about? Symposium Q, Umeå University. In and then out a catalogue for Bohusläns Museum. Cover photo for BAZOOKA CD.
1993 ”Overground World Expo 1993” Co-organizer of the group exhibition, Göteborg Konsthall “On stage“ STV Ch 2, Interview and screening of Lust-Bank. “Single Mothers“ A video used for discussion and education at Maternity Clinics in Sweden. Organizer of ”Room, Space ,Place & House” an international symposium, Göteborgs Universitet.
1992 ”Be Connected” Co-curator of the exhibition and symposium at Galleri RIX, Linköping.
1990 Co-curator with RADIUM 226.05 of ”KNUCKLE-90” A groupshow in a former military storage of weapons, 2000 square meter room in a mountain outside Göteborg 1988 Minister of Vibrations

Grants and Prices 
2019-21 Wettergrenstiftelsen; utbildning och forskning Bildgestaltning, genom Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, Karlstads universitet.
Swedish Arts Grants Comittee (Konstnärsnämnden) project support for A place in Europe
Birgit och Gad Rausings Stiftelse för Humanistisk Forskning A Place in Euope/En Plats i Europa
Kulturbryggans startstöd for A Place in Euope/En Plats i Europa
Swedish Arts Grants Comittee (Konstnärsnämnden) project support for  Private Politics & (Public Secrets)
 TCO:s kulturpris i bild 2008 Längmanska Kulturfonden

2006 Stockholms Stads Kulturstipendium, Swedish Arts Grants Comittee (Konstnärsnämnden) project support.
2005 Längmanska Kulturfonden
2002-2004 Swedish Arts Grants Comittee (Konstnärsnämnden) – two year working grant.
2001-2004 Equator-funding from: KUR, Framtidens Kultur,
2003-2005 Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (with Interactive Institute Umeå and Ana L Valdés)
2001 Ebba & Gustaf Ljunggrens Minnesfond, Otto och Charlotte Mannheimers fond Theodor och Hanne Mannheimers fond
1999-2000 Swedish IASPIS studio one year in London.
1999 Göteborgs stad, stipendium, för uppskattad gärning i stadens kulturliv
1997-1999 Swedish Arts Grants Comittee (Konstnärsnämnden) – two year working grant.
1996 Maria Bonnier Dahlins stipendium for young artists. Otto och Charlotte Mannheimers stipendium
1993-1994 Swedish Arts Grants Comittee (Konstnärsnämnden) – one year working grant. Otto och Charlotte Mannheimers fond.
1991-1992 Skövde Kulturstipendium. Hässleholms Kulturstipendium. Fredrika Bremerförbundets stipendium. Hanne och Theodor Mannheimers fond. Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse. Willinska fonden.
1992 Lust–Bank (genre: ”video art”) wins First prize at Stockholm Filmfestival screenings at Moderna Museet.

Represented : Bohusläns museum. Bonnierhuset, Stockholm. Göteborg City. Botkyrka Konsthall, Tumba Göteborgs Konst Museum. Göteborgs Stad. Magasin 3 Stockholms Konsthall. Stockholms Kulturhus. Swedish Art Council. Konstens Hus, Luleå. Umeå Stad, Borås Konstmuseum. FilmCentrum distribution of A heart from Jenin. Genusvetenskapen Umeå University. Skövde University.

2016-21 A place in Europe is a film-sculpture. Watch the film here:
2014 The Chorus of Begging and the Chorus of Giving, installation of 2 films. (loop of 7:30 mins)
On the production of The Chorus of Begging and the Chorus of Giving (55 mins)
2013 What Images does the Giving face? & What Images does the Begging face?   (The film of the market research with ”giving people” is 16:05 mins and the film of the interviews with begging EU-migrants is 57:32 mins)
Tamam and CAG in Kirgisistan (15 mins)

BORDER, an animation 45 mins.
2006 A Heart from Jenin (44:48 mins)
The holy land Maj Wechselmann & Cecilia Parsberg 60 mins.
2005  Art on the Wall 10mins.  – a reportage for KOBRA, Swedish TV
2004 A wall is a wall is a wall is a wall 3:20 mins. Animated. a collaboration between: P.Gijonesa, J Munkberg and DJ Watts (Fun-da-mental).
2003 I can see the house and To Rachel 22:30mins.
2002 When is a Nation? – an installation with 4 videos at Fisher Gallery Seattle in the program ”Art and Activism” A video installation made for this invitation – a collaboration between Equator and Interactive Institute, Umea Sweden.
2001 ICE (20 mins) Part of the installation Voice A collaboration with Madoda Msibi Soweto.
99-2000 The world’s smalles bible thrown in the biggest man-made hole, 5mins.
Postcards of South Africa
 15mins. a documentation of the whole piece.

TO ALL QUEENS 16 mins. The video is only shown by the artist.
1998 Sometimes things you don’t say are a part of a lie 43:50mins. Wrestling5:24 mins.
1997 Don’t be stupid – an installation with 2 videos: (3:56 mins.) (20sec.)
Suggestion 2 mins. – an installation (super eight film loop).

1996 Dominatrix – an installation consisting of 2 videoscreenings: interview 15 mins. and the session 15 mins. (and objects).
1995 Vietnam hello, bye,bye OK – a video installation of 10 different variations for 10 monitors.
1994 Applause – an installation of 90 mins. 2/3 of the video is generated in After Effects based on 30 mins recording of the intercourse of a couple.
1993 Those who hunger for life 6:24 mins. – a performance and a video piece.
1991 Lust-Bank 6mins. I am You are 12mins. – an installation.
1993 The liberation 6mins. A filmed performance made for a show in the Swedish food mall ICA a group exhibition curated by Åsa Nacking and Mats Stjernstedt Malmoe.
1990 Beredskap 16mins. Filmed at the eldercare at St:Görans Stockholm.
1989 Jagad (Hunted) I went out in the forest and realized I was in the middle of a elk hunt.

Media: newspapers, magazines, radio, TV 2014- 2016 on the PhD thesis How do you become a succesful beggar in Sweden? 

Aktum, Umeå Universitets personaltidning, Nov 2016.
Alkner Timner,
Lina, ”Tiggare och givare ger ton”, Värnamo Nyheter, September 17, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Tim, Umeå Tidning, Nov 2016

Bernspång, Karin, ”Synliggjord frustration”, Västerbottens-Kuriren, May 16, 2014. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Bernspång, Karin, ”Känsliga röster i het debatt”, Västerbottens-Kuriren, April 9, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Claesson, Per
, ”Hur tigger man framgångsrikt?”, Skövde Nyheter, March 28, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016.

Bäckström, Hanna, Feministiskt Perspektiv, April 21, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Eliasson, Per-Olof, Universitetsläraren, Feb 2017.
Ernius, Anna, ”Om tiggeri och givande i enig panel”, Västgöta Bladet, May 7, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Egefur, Christian, Hallands Nyheter, October 3, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Föreningen för Samhällsplanering, PLAN, No. 5, 2015.

In Premiera, Antena 3. Interview for a ”Pierdut Paradis Ofer Recompensa”, a two-part Romanian documentary about the poor who travel to Sweden to beg. Part one, May 3, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016, Part two, May 10, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016, The interview is archived on the thesis website:
Leverin, Sara, ”Konstnär tigger om svar”, SVT Nyheter Halland, October 3, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016,
, Sten, ”Tiggare och givare i konstnärligt möte”, P4 Skaraborg, Sveriges Radio, March 5, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016,
, ”Mot ett kyligare samhälle”, Arbetet, February 19, 2016. Accessed June 19, 2016,

Lundgren, Petra, ”Tiggare och givare på konsthallen”, Skaraborgs Allehanda, March 5, 2015. Accessed, June 19, 2016,
Magnusson, Erik, June 27, 2014. Accessed November 2016,
Manga, Edda, ”Cecilia Parsberg gör nattlig street-screening på Clandestino festival”,, May 27, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Manga, Edda, ”Dysturbance – Clandestino Talks program släpps ut!”,, May 11, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Meidell, Sara, ”I mötet på gatan börjar empatin”, Västerbottens-Kuriren, April 9, 2014. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Modern Psykologi, 2014.

NOD#2, ”Förakt för Svaghet”, 2014.
OBS, ”Vad säger tiggeridebatten om de som inte tigger?”, P1, Sveriges Radio, February 26, 2014. Accessed June 19, 2016, and
Rämgård, Stefan, ”Hon föreläste om tiggarnas situation”, Mora Tidning, November 17, 2014. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Strömberg, Lillemor, ”Politik och känslor när konsten ger tiggandet röst”, P4 Västerbotten, Sveriges Radio, April 13, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Strömberg, Lillemor, ”Hon ger tiggandet röst och vill öppna för samtal”, P4 Västerbotten, Sveriges Radio, April 11, 2015. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Sveriges radio, Kulturradion Special, ”Ungerska författare samt tiggarnas marknad”, P1 Kultur, P1, August 3, 2014. Accessed July 26, 2016,
Sveriges radio,, Morgon, P4 Dalarna, (1:18:20 – 1:25:55), November 14, 2014. Accessed, June 19, 2016,
Sveriges radio, Tendens, P1, Lovisa Haag, ”Givandets och Tiggandets kör” August 19, 2014. Accessed June 19, 2016,
Sveriges radio, Morgon i P4 Jönköping, August 20, 2015. (0:17 to 0:27). Accessed June 19, 2016,
Sveriges radio, P1 Kulturnytt, Nov 14, 2016.
Sveriges radio,, P4 Västerbotten, Nov 14, 2016.
SVT, Kulturnyheterna, ”Tiggandets kör i konstverk”, August 22, 2014. (Filmed report on the installation The Chorus of Begging and The Chorus of Giving.)
SVT Västerbotten, Nov 14, 2016.
Sveriges Konstföreningar, ”Politisk konst”, 2014.
, Ulrik, ”Ny tidning försöker överbrygga maktobalans”, Feministiskt Perspektiv, December 19, 2014. Accessed June 19, 2016,

Wadström, Fredrik, ”Var börjar Europa” Sveriges Radio, May 12, 2014. Accessed June 19, 2016,
ZENIT, No. 46, 2015.
Åhlund, Birgitta, ”…” , Bohusläns museums förlag, Dec 2016.

Öster, Justina, Transportarbetaren #7–8, 2014. Accessed November 2016,–med-oss.

…and Participation in Swedish media on earlier works:
To the memory of Nelson Mandela, ”vi andades Nelson Mandela” , Sveriges Radio.
2012 ”Artists Engaged in Interreligious Dialogue”, Ruth Illman, Equinox publishing  (March 2012)

2011 ”Lust&Last” catalogue for the group exhibition at NationalMuseum Stockholm.
Sveriges Radio., 24/3, about Lust och Last.
2010 Lantz i P4, Konstnären Cecilia Parsberg reder ut när en mur är en sevärdhet och när är den är en oförskämdhet.
2009 Kulturradion P1 ”Krigets konst”, 27/1.
2008 Public debate in SVT and Radio,14/5 ”Kritiserad tavla förstörd” about my work in Skövde.
— Gaza, The wall, interview for Broderskap magazine.
2006 Fredshandlingar och avbildningar i Jenin – Kulturnytt | Sveriges Radio P1.
— VästerbottensKuriren, VF
— Swedish Television – Kulturnytt.
2005 Swedish Television channel2 FORMAT, 10 mins about my work. Swedish Television UR, shows the wall paper in Rinkeby and disc about power with youths Good-TV Stockholm shows an action, Documenting Clandestino festival, Göteborg
2003 SR Kulturred LIVE! With audience Kulturhuset apr 22. SR P1, BildByrån Apr 4th. SR Skaraborg Febr interview about my work being censored and discussed in the government.
2002 SR Ch4, Oct 22nd one hour portrait. SR Ch5, Dec 10th one hour interview. 2001 Initiator of the network Equator / locater
1998 “Sommarnattens skeende“ STV Ch 1, Interview, showing 3 installations.
1996 “Sommarprogram“ scripted with Pål Hollender, SR Ch 3. 1995 “Virtual Reality “ Discussion in Swedish SR Ch1.

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