YOU Laminated colour photograph 92 X 204cm. O Videoloop

YOU was an exhibition at Göteborgs Konstförening, Sweden May 1998, arranged and funded by Ebba and Gustaf Ljunggren


Other works in the exhibition:

I love myself and I understand you think I’m difficult.Photo: 90 X 237cm.

I can see you but you can’t see me. Photo: 90 X 242cm.
It’s either the woman in the image speaking or the viewer. Women are often subject for critical view regarding looks and sex, and either she becomes a victim and act as such, or she answers back and challenge that gaze.

I know you’re out fucking others, but I’m not. Photo: 20 X 30cm.
I’m out fucking others, but you’re not.Photo: 220 X 20cm.

Wrestling Video. Video cover for Wrestling
